
I will continuously write interesting articles here about my work, about myself, but I will also give you various guides, instructions, ideas, interesting things and a little behind the scenes.

Průběžně vám sem budu psát zajímavé články o své práci, o sobě, ale také vám sem budu dávat různé průvodce, návody, nápady, zajímavosti a něco málo ze zákulisí.

According to surveys, blue is the most popular color. It even surpasses green. It is the color of calm and peace. And not by chance. We associate it with the sky or water. Unlike red, blue lowers blood pressure and reduces appetite. Due to its calming and relaxing effects, it is a color suitable for meditation and spiritual development. It...

Green is the closest and dearest color to all of us. Even if we don't love it enough to buy a green dress or have the staircase painted green, there is probably no one who wouldn't be calmed by the sight of a forest, a meadow or even just a flower garden.

We usually associate the color yellow with the first spring flowers, but also with summer, sun and fun. Yellow is one of the colors that no one can overlook, even if they want to. For the same reason, all school buses and taxis in America are yellow.

Orange is obtained by mixing yellow and red. It carries the energy and passion of red and the warm and optimism of yellow, but is softer than red. People who like orange usually have a lot of energy and a real zest for life.

Every now and then we need a storage box for some of our small things, hairpins, cosmetics, documents, etc. We can make such a box ourselves. Tailored. According to our needs. And we also use an unused old box or cardboard, we will also be able to decorate it according to our taste and we will be wonderfully relaxed while...

Red evokes love, strong will, vitality, passion, warm, fight, blood, sexuality, but it also often represents a warning sign. It motivates us to action; it gives us energy. But it also symbolizes aggression, risk, hate or violence.

Again – huge selection. Pictures painted on canvas give me a cozy and warm impression. Someone loves modern printed images on glass. Or paintings with a large ornate frame as from a castle. Or motivational metal signs are also interesting. Sometimes they are also in retro style. You can even have a photo wallpaper across the entire wall.

The selection of images today is huge. Again, let your inner feeling guide you. Whether the painting entices you with its tiny cuteness, elevates you with its huge pompous appearance, or suffocates you with its enormous size.

Each of us is a different person and everyone likes something different. And each of us has a different path in life. Accordingly, we should also choose a painting that will decorate our living space. We will walk past it several times a day or maybe see it peripherally at work. The image should evoke pleasant feelings or memories in...

Probably the most important feature that we consider when buying a painting is its color concept. After all, we want it to fit into the existing interior. Each painting is tuned to certain shades of colors and some are predominant in it.

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