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So, I kept the best for the end - gold and silver 😊 They have accompanied us since prehistoric times. They used to be money and also the material from which jewelry was made and with which rich people decorated their houses and thus showed off their wealth. Both colors are associated with wealth and luxury. And they give us...

It is the color of purity, unity, clarity and innocence, perfectionism, but also symbolizes the end. It stabilizes and strengthens, helps thinking. It purifies the entire energy system, as it is created by mixing all the colors of the spectrum. White is a symbol of energy, it encourages self-knowledge, thought processes and the perception of one's...

Brown color is the color of nature, tree trunks and soil. This color anchors and grounds us. It calms us and gives us a feeling of comfort, rest, stability and solid ground under our feet. However, to a greater extent, it can be depressing and difficult.

Black is actually not a color from a physical point of view. It is created by absorbing light, and where there is no light, there is no color either. It used to be the color of death, destruction and ruin. It is a protective color, but only to a certain amount. It absorbs energy, symbolizes mystery, mysticism and sadness. It...

We associate the color pink with femininity. Every little girl must have at least one piece of her wardrobe in pink. It is a symbol of tenderness, gentleness, kind approach, love - especially romantic, gentle, tender love. At the same time, it evokes naivety as well as immaturity, infantility. It is referred to as the color of the heart. Pink...

If we mix red (passion, aggressiveness, energy) and blue (calm, well-being), we get the color violet.

Welcome to my site

My name is Evangelina. I am dedicated to painting, spirituality and healing. I paint acrylic paintings that will bring joy, well-being and positive vibes into your life. When you look at a picture that evokes positive emotions in you, you actually begin to heal yourself. It is already that second when you stopped for a moment and disconnected from the daily stress. You stopped the flow of negative thoughts for a moment and let positive vibrations into your body.

Look at my paintings, maybe the right one is waiting for you there, which will address your soul and heal your body in this way.

Feel free to contact me and soon the painting can be yours.

Vítejte na mých stránkách

Jmenuji se Evangelina. Věnuji se malování, duchovnu a léčení. Maluji akrylové obrazy, které vám vnesou do života radost, pohodu a pozitivní vibrace. Když se podíváte na obraz, který ve vás vyvolává pozitivní emoce, začínáte se vlastně léčit sami. Už to je ta chvíle, kdy jste se na chvilku zastavili a odpojili se od každodenního stresu. Na chvilku jste zastavili proud negativních myšlenek a vpustili do svého těla pozitivní vibrace.

Podívejte se na mé obrazy, třeba tam na vás čeká právě ten pravý, který vám takto osloví duši a uzdraví tělo.

Neváhejte mě kontaktovat a brzy může být obraz váš.

About me / O mně

I loved to draw even as a child. My whole childhood is connected with drawing, painting, gluing paper, crocheting... I have always enjoyed creating... read more

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